martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


What is Confucianism?
This philosophical way of thinking is really beautiful, because it does not considers only personal aspects.
It is a philosophy that focuses in human morality and it has a big influence on the culture and history of East Asia.
I like how it stresses the importance of education for moral development of the individual and in that way how this affects in a social environment.
It is also very important to state how this philosophy encourages governments to use moral virtues rather than by the use of c
oercive laws.

"My reaction towards the Analects by Confucius"

I got a lot of beautiful things form this reading. Through all this reading I got to learn that modesty is a virtue that gives more pleasure than to be always recognized.
Moral values are duties that we have to practice with everyone around us; I really agree in how it advices respect for elders.

I think that if all the governors practiced and really und
erstood these teachings a lot of improvements could happen in our countries. The ideal model for a government it’s stated here and it also shows how good thoughts are important in a person’s life.
To be humble, respectful, and to have modesty are important values that are stated all this teachings. I consider that these are characteristics of a WISE person.

I will surely do my best to learn them, practice them, and practice them present in my life.

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